Home Automation Planning

I have decided to setup home automation using z-wave to control lighting and appliances. Let me provide you with a brief overview of how the system works.

The z-wave system consists of a controller and modules such as sensors, switches/dimmers. The controller acts like the brain of the automation system which sends and receives wireless signals from the modules connected to it. Customizable logic can be created to suit your needs for different scenarios. For example, if a z-wave switch connected to a light and a motion sensor module is installed, you can build a logic to turn on the light once motion is detected and if the time is 7.00 PM. All controller comes with an android and iPhone app which allows you to control your devices remotely through the internet using your mobile phone or tablet.

The two most popular z-wave controllers are Fibaro Home Center and Veera. Fibaro has a much better interface compared to Veera, which is one of the main reasons why i have selected Fibaro Home Center 2 as my main controller.

fibaro hc2

Here’s the planning for wall switches, power sockets and z-wave modules and the estimated cost,

Reno Budget 1

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